Pretty Polly is Perfect for Valentine’s Day

Pretty Polly launched their lingerie and sleepwear collection “in love with Pretty Polly” just in time for Valentine’s Day. With touches of lace, cashmere blends, animal prints and bright pops of color, “in love with Pretty Polly” is the perfect gift. Plus, you will feel flirty and cozy wearing the festive pieces that mix and match with ease, and feature an array of heart prints for the holiday. This Valentine’s Day, let’s fall… “in love with Pretty Polly” that is!

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Is your bra telling the truth?

Genie Bra Pictures_6.05 008Ladies, are your ‘girls’ as supported as they should be? In light of National Honesty Day on Tuesday, April 30th it’s time to give yourself an “honest look” in the mirror! A big lie many women tell themselves is about their bra size because of concerns they have regarding feeling too big, too small or just confused on what size to wear. This has all led to about 85% of women wearing the wrong sized bra which can lead to back pain and not looking your best. To offer tips on getting your pair’s affairs in order, style expert and author of The Bra Book, Jené Luciani says:


1)      Give Your ‘Girls’ a Glance: Take an honest look at yourself in the mirror and check out your ‘girls’ in your favorite bra. Does the back of your bra ride up your back and not lay straight across? Do you have spillage? What about back fat? Be honest! If you answer “yes” you are wearing the wrong sized bra.


2)      Learn the Language: One reason many women are wearing the wrong size bra is because they’re confused by what the size really means. The number “34” in 34B, for example, refers to your “back size” or “band width”, which you can find by wrapping a measuring tape around your back, if it measures 34 inches, then you are a “34”. The cup size, or the “B” in 34B, refers to how far your pair protrudes away from your chest. If your ‘girls’ stick out an inch from your chest, then you are an A cup, two inches is a B cup, and so on.


3)      Start Shopping: Next, go to a store with trained bra experts that can properly measure you and help you determine your true size. I recommend that every woman has the following in her bra arsenal: 2 nude bras; 2 black bras; one strapless or convertible style; and 1 seamless, wireless bra for comfort.  The Genie Bra is a good seamless bra option which also provides great support for all sizes.

Finally, Jené reminds women everywhere to “be open-minded about their bra size. If you’re surprised (or disappointed), remember that size is just a number and a letter! It doesn’t define you and being honest about your bra size will make you look younger and more confident in an instant—the right size will ‘lift you up’ in more ways than one!”



Two Figs for a comfortable and confident woman

I love looking at gowns and in fact have the pleasure of seeing lots of brides try on dresses.  One of the common ‘problems’ happens for a larger-cup sized woman, is finding a bra that not only fits properly, but looks pretty. There is very little to accommodate a cup size larger than a “D” that doesn’t look like, let’s face it, a football.  So not pretty!!  How happy are you going to be with Two Figs? This San Francisco based company has created a sizing system that will fit up to a G-cup.  That’s right ladies, a G for GREAT fit.  Their sizing 1,2,3 and 4 correspond to bandwidths 32, 34, 36, and 38. So while they may suggest a “2”, you may want a “1”. While there may be a bit of trying on to get the right fit, the most important thing for this company is to have you leave feeling comfortable and confident.

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What I really love it that these gowns are beautiful and sexy.  They also give the support that you will need and the material they use is incredibly soft.  It’s about time us larger girls can look sexy on our wedding night (and every night after)!

Still growing, now they are sold at: Alla Prima in San Francisco, La Mode in Houston, Linea Intima in Vancouver,  Selene in Maryland and The Finer Fit in Greensboro, NC.  Retail the camisoles start at around $130, chemises  $170, and gowns $225

Spain: Emperatriz 2012 Bridal Lingerie collection

All I can say is WOWZA!!  These are not your mom’s undergarments!  Then again, why should they be.  With the majority of the world saying “embrace your feminine side”, this is something I really wish the American bridal market would embrace.  What goes on under your gown can be more than “garments to suck you in”.  Even if it’s not…these are some beautiful ideas for after the wedding.

The collection of this bridal lingerie and party wear specialist Emperatriz, has almost 60 years in the market, is called “Bassons”, and is divided into five different lines, each with their own personality.

The first, “Rose”, looks to baroque romanticism, with ruches and drapes combined with embroidery and tulle transparency. “Secret” favours princess lines with satin combinations and geometric motifs. “Lotus”, for brides on the cutting-edge, features flowers and the rebrodée embroidery technique.

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Satin with plumetti jacquard and embroidery are the stars of “Confetti”, whilst “Ideal” is the perfect choice for a minimalist bride.